Daisypath Vacation tickers

Monday, August 30, 2010

August 30, 2010

Hey Dad,
Everything is going well. I am always learning alot and am trying to be patient with people that are bull-headed. It is teaching me a good lesson.
This week we did alot of exchanges with the District Leaders, so I was in the spanish world for 3 days on exchanges. That is a riot. It is awesome, we went to a investigator's house, and they had a super sick infant. The Spanish Elder gave her a blessing in Spanish, and I know that the Lord gave me the gift of interpretation because I understood everything that he said in the blessing. It was so spiritual. We also came in contact with Amber again and she still wants to learn more; still wants to be baptized with her daughter Naomi. They are still on track for a September 30th baptism. I probably won't be in Fort Wayne when it happens though... transfers are on the 8th. So I might be here, I might not. If anyone has mail or anything, tell them to send it the the mission home for now... or at least until I can tell ya'll were I will be at. But that is cool that our windmills are going to be going up in the spring. I am excited that everything worked out so that could happen. All is well here. I love you tons.
Elder bair

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